Project 1: Data cleaning in SQL

In this project we take raw housing data and transform it using SQL Server in order to make it more usable for analysis.

My other Projects

Project 2: Data Exploration in SQL

In this Project we use SQL Server to explore a Covid-19 Dataset (data valid up to 9th August of 2022)

Project 3: Creating a dashboard in Excel

We use a Bike Store Dataset in Excel to do Data Cleaning, create pivot tables and finally an interactive dashboard

Project 4: Visualization of Covid-19 Data using Tableau

In Project 4 we use some of the tables from Project 2 in order to create a dashboard in Tableau.

Project 5: Movie Data exploration using Python

Python is used here in order to make some data cleaning, data exploration and finally build some simple visualizations

Project 6: Creating an interactive dashboard in PowerBI, showing some Housing data

Project 6 utilizes the already cleaned Nashville-Housing dataset from Project 1, in order to create an interactive dashboard in PowerBI

Project 7: Web-Scraping using Python

Project 7 uses Python in order to scrape Data of 3,000 Drama movies from IMDB and copy it to an excel file